Football Mogul 19 will launch on Tuesday, September 4th, 2018.
New Player Database After some complaints about player ratings and roster accuracy last year, we've rebuilt our database from scratch for Football Mogul 19:
Interface Improvements The "Sortable Stats", "Find Players", "Free Agents" and "College Draft" screens are now customizable -- with each screen individually tracking the stats you selected to view and sort by in your previous visit. Improved Player Positions Football Mogul 19 includes 28 additional position designations ranging from "Slot Receiver" and "Outside Linebacker" to ""Return Specialist" and "Special Teams Specialist". These designations were used by the game engine in Football Mogul 18, but couldn't be viewed in the Scouting Report. For Football Mogul 19, these "expanded positions" can now be viewed in the team screens, Scouting Reports and Player Editor. More info coming soon...
September 2024